
We're Happy to Advise You

We offer site licenses for colleges, universities, and non-profit research institutes. Site licenses are rentals and entitle the entire college or university community – students, faculty, and staff – to use a full version of Citavi. Users can install and use Citavi on all their computers for the duration of the contract. License keys are easy to request.

Affordable prices are possible because we run a tight ship. Updates and upgrades are provided at no charge for the duration of the contract. The contract must be signed with one department (library or technology services department) and must last at least one year. Discounts apply to longer contracts.

There is no administrative burden for you. We offer the program on our server, we send license keys, and we provide support. Site licenses include one free online training seminar for "ambassadors", and we also provide templates for promotional and training materials, as well as a comprehensive tutorial.

Request a Site License Quote

Not the right time for a site license?
We also offer individual licenses for institutes, departments, research groups, and individual users at your institution.

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